FLURT Magazine

branding, layout, print

FLURT magazine is an international magazine written by young adults for young adults, focused on fostering a socially conscious and inclusive community.

FLURT is primarily volunteer-run and when they approached me, despite having a basic logo, colour scheme and go-to typefaces in place, the overall layout of the magazine was very amateur; inconsistent type styles and a non-existing grid structure throughout the pages. When I joined the team my job was to review the overall brand mission and assets, re-evaluate some of the previous design directions, elevate and expand the typography, streamline graphic styles and create an interesting yet consistent grid system across the various sections.

The Fall 2017 issue launched with the brand new design with a lot of positive feedback and increased purchases and digital downloads across the community. Over the next few months, the design was further tested and perfected across four issues.

Before passing along the newly re-designed magazine to a new designer I put together an extensive 50+ page brand guideline, outlining all the design decisions and guidelines, making it easy for a junior designer to take over without compromising the quality of the design.

FLURT Magazine print design and layout Fall 2017 magazine cover design | www.alicia-carvalho.com
FLURT Magazine print design and editorial layout | www.alicia-carvalho.com
FLURT Magazine print design and editorial layout. Nettle's tale Beach Body editorial feature.  | www.alicia-carvalho.com
FLURT Magazine print design and editorial layout | www.alicia-carvalho.com
FLURT Magazine print design and editorial layout. Magazine Cover Design Winter 2017 | www.alicia-carvalho.com
FLURT Magazine print design and editorial layout. Article Intro page designs.  | www.alicia-carvalho.com
FLURT Magazine print design and editorial layout. Interview series layout.  | www.alicia-carvalho.com
FLURT Magazine print design and editorial layout. Magazine Cover Design Fall 2017.  | www.alicia-carvalho.com
FLURT Magazine print design and editorial layout  | www.alicia-carvalho.com
FLURT Magazine print design and editorial layout  | www.alicia-carvalho.com

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