March 28, 2013

mark merton


You may have seen this photo making it’s away across several pinterest boards during the past few days. At first glance it almost looks like a painting; a variety of geometric shapes and textures arranged in an abstract and semi-symmetrical way. Lots of bright light pink areas contrasting with a few pops of dark green, neutrals and a blob of navy blue. Before I even realized what it was I could imagine it on a gigantic canvas, hanging on a white wall in a modernist, neutral apartment. I love it.


The photographs are by Sydney based photographer Mark Merton who specializes in aerial photography. His work is stunning. He takes photos of familiar landscapes, objects and sceneries, yet from a completely different and sort of unfamiliar perspective. The straight on birds-eye view shows the intense level of depth and layering in the patterns of our natural and urban landscapes.



I find repetition and the way it draws your eye in is such a beautiful and fascinating thing. The repetition and abstraction creates these crazy dynamic shapes. A lot of his urban neighbourhood shots make me think of Sim City. I am not much of a video gamer but my boyfriend bought the new one that came out a few weeks ago and I have been very entertained with it (I’ve probably played more hours then he has). The game is all about building cities and increasing their growth and it’s awesome. I’m actually extremely fascinated by the concept and capabilities of the game, but more about that another time.


This last one made me giggle. Love how he caught swimmers and surfers falling through the waves. Make sure to check out his flickr or his stock photography site for more amazing photographs.

Comments: 2


these are really cool! i love that second photo, it’s interesting to see the world from a different perspective!

March 28, 2013


such dynamic & creative photos! the wave one is def my fav of the batch. I certainly would NOT want to be the woman in the purple bikini! haha.

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