April 24, 2013

kelly osbourne

Kelly Osbourne Colourized | www.alicia-carvalho.com

This past weekend I was lucky enough to intern for Blogshop Vancouver. I’m a huge fan of Angela Kohler magical photography and an avid follower of Bri’s blog Designlovefest. I was beyond excited to meet these lovely ladies. Blogshop is a two day Photoshop workshop with a focus on blogging. Since 2011 it’s been travelling to cities all across the world, teaching sold out classes and spreading creativity one student at a time. It covers the basics of photoshop and teaches you all the little tips and tricks of how to make your blog more you.

I’ll be honest that I personally don’t use Photoshop much anymore, except for minimal photo editing and cropping products/people out of backgrounds. This class however made me fall in love with Photoshop all over again. It’s like I forgot how to have fun with Photoshop. The class was really inspiring (and obviously colourful) and I really enjoyed helping all the students out. There’s something so rewarding about teaching people something they are going to love as much as you do. You can’t help but smile when the whole class goes “Ohhhh…Ahhhh” after you’ve showed them some cool little trick as though it was magic.

To celebrate my newfound love for Photoshop I made this fun little graphic of Kelly Osbourne. I don’t follow celeberties at all but I stumbled across Kelly Osbourne’s profile on The Coveteur earlier today and was kind of blown away. The Kelly Osbourne I remembered,  though beautiful, was chubby and a total punk. I’m kind of in love with her hair and pants and figured this would be the perfect way to have some Photoshop fun.

Kelly Osbourne | www.alicia-carvalho.com

I’m still running on Photoshop CS4 and realized how behind I am over the weekend. All students were using Photoshop CS6, which has a bunch of extra features I didn’t even know about. I’m also contemplating getting a tablet. I love hand rendered type and illustrations and it’s just impossible to do with a mouse. I’ve had a tablet before and never really got into it, however I feel pretty good about giving it another go. Do you guys use tablets?

Comments: 14


Hey, you are really lucky to have been able to attend blogshop, especially as an intern!
I thought about getting a tablet for some months as well and last week finally got one! Playing around with it is a lot of fun and I am already looking forward to being able to add handwriting to my posts, even though my attempts aren’t really presentable at the moment, haha!

Blogshop was so great! I’ll probably do a bit of a recap post about blogshop in the next few weeks.
What tablet do you have? I will probably get one, just need to decide what and when!

I love my Wacom tablet! I never use a mouse anymore (it has been years now!). Just give it a try and have fun :)

I’ve used it before and was just impatient because I had to get used to it first. I’ll totally give it another go tho!

How fun, Alicia! I would LOVE to attend Blogshop! I just recently got a tablet, and you’re right, it takes some time getting used to. I love what you did with Kelly’s photos.

Thanks Victoria! Where abouts are you anyway? Any chance blogshop will be hitting up your city? Also, what tablet do you have!?

I am pretty astonished by Kelly’s transformation over the years as well. She has definitely grown up, that’s for sure!

I would be lying if I said I’m not a little jealous that you attended a Blogshop meet. :P I can not imagine how much fun you had and all that you learned! If I used a Mac, I would sign up TODAY.

Get a Mac!! NOW! Haha I hope you can attend it at some point, I’m so happy I was able to be part of the Vancouver class.

Wow, talk about my dream job! I’m really glad you had such a great Blogshop experience. I’m dying to take the class! I just got a Macbook Pro and am still in pursuit of Photoshop CS6. Hopefully the class lands near Detroit soon!

It was great, I highly recommend it to anyone pursuing blogging. As a designer I’m pretty picky and easily turned off by bad design or pixeled photographs. Even if you focus on writing and not so much images when blogging you still needs to showcase beautiful imagery. Blogshop teaches you all you need to know!

May 16, 2013

Becca / A Good Good Day

So amazing that you got to intern! If only I’d known about Blogshop last year, as the girls did one in Toronto last summer. :( Next time! Or better yet, next time I’ll be able to actually ATTEND one! *Dreams*

June 11, 2013


Wow! Jealous! Blogshop! These KO photos are some of my favorite.

I use a cheap tablet for my mouse. It’s the cheapest Bamboo pad they have, but I prefer it to a regular mouse for productivity reasons, and also because it’s more comfortable! I hope to upgrade to a mid-grade one soon… so I can actually benefit from the performance in Illustrator & such.

Awesome! I’ve borrowed one from a friend but that I’m not liking too much but I’m probably going to go out and buy a bamboo.

LOVE IT! How did you get that gradient effect.. I have been DIEING TO KNOW how do to something like this!!! Love your work.

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