April 9, 2014

colour | 5 lucy snowe

Lucy Snowe Photography. Mid-century Swimmers Collection | www.alicia-carvalho.com/blog

I recently came across west coast photographer Lucy Snowe and was immediately drawn to the colour palettes in her work. I am big fan of anything water/swimming related so I was very intrigued by this particular collection. It reminds me of those later summer afternoons by the cool, cooling off with fruity popsicles. Also, don’t you really want a vintage swimming cap now?! I sure do!

I’m loving the very vintage, mid-century feel this collection has. I highly suggest you pop on over to her etsy store and check out some of the backyard and home photographs too.

This whole mid-century vibe has me dreaming of Palm Springs again. Last year I attended DesignerVaca, a little retreat with a bunch of other lady designers. I made some great friendships there and am looking forward to making new connections again this year.

What are you summer plans? Anything exciting planned? :)

Lucy Snowe Photography. Mid-century Swimmers Collection | www.alicia-carvalho.com/blog

Lucy Snowe Photography. Mid-century Swimmers Collection | www.alicia-carvalho.com/blog

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I am sooooo in love with the colours <3

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